Hart Street   Church of Christ

       "Reach up, Reach out, & Reach In"

  Bible Studies...

This is a comprehensive three lesson personal Bible Study that covers the foundational teaching of God's plan for the salvation of man. It focuses on the inspiration and all-sufficiency of the Word of God as our guide in religious matters. Christ is shown to be the Son of God, to have all authority, to be the only way to God, and to be our only means of salvation. An overview of church history is presented and undenominational Christianity is explored. The question, "What must I do to be saved?" is clearly answered from the scriptures. Worship that pleases God is revealed and explained and faithful, godly living is enjoined. This study, which stresses the important of the open Bible, can be conducted in you home or in one of our private study areas at the church building.

Our Bible Correspondence Course is written by John Hurt and consists of eight lessons. It makes it easy to study the Bible in the privacy of your own home without cost to you. These are enlightening studies, providing a basic overview of the Bible. The greatest benefit you will receive from this course is increased Bible knowledge which can lead to salvation. It ends with what steps are necessary to become a Christian. The lessons are sent to you one at a time, along with a stamped, self-addressed envelope. You are to study the lesson, answer the questions on the last page, detach and send that page back to us in the stamped, self-addressed envelope provided. We will grade the lesson and send it back to you, along with the next lesson and another stamped, self-addressed envelope. This process will be repeated until all eight lessons have been completed. If during the course of the study you have questions, please make them known either through regular mail or email. Following the completion of the last lesson, a Special Certificate of Completion will be sent to you.


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